TRT und Herz-Kreislauf-Gesundheit: Was die neueste Forschung sagt

If you’re doing your research on Testosteronersatztherapie (TRT), you may have come across some conflicting information on how it relates to cardiovascular health. Testosterone therapy has many benefits for men, but unfortunately, it’s still an emerging field of study, and we don’t know as much as we would like. The best way to learn more about it is by meeting with an Spezialist für Intimgesundheit. In the meantime, here’s what to know about this topic and how you can benefit from treatment at Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics.

What’s the Latest Research on TRT and Cardiovascular Disease?

In the past, there were concerns that testosterone therapy could place men at increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Men are already the highest risk group for cardiovascular disease each year – and in fact, it’s a leading cause of death for men. For these reasons, many intimate health specialists were hesitant to prescribe testosterone therapy for men experiencing low testosterone levels.

In a landmark 2023 study by the New England Journal of Medicine, it was determined that testosterone therapy did not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease versus the placebo. This means that, while more studies are needed to determine if testosterone therapy can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, it appears not to adversely affect cardiovascular health in most groups of men.

Does Testosterone Increase the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease?

Because men disproportionately suffer from cardiovascular disease, it seems logical to assume that testosterone plays a role. However, studies in women’s cardiovascular health seem to point to estrogen playing a protective role in blood vessel health, meaning that men’s disposition toward cardiovascular disease may be caused by low estrogen levels, not high testosterone levels. This supports the recent conclusion that testosterone therapy doesn’t negatively affect cardiovascular risk. Still, more studies are needed to determine the exact role that reproductive hormones play in cardiovascular health, as well as how we can safely support them through hormone replacement therapy.

Is Testosterone Therapy Safe?

The field of testosterone replacement therapy is still largely unregulated, it’s important to find a knowledgeable, reputable intimate health provider who will monitor your bloodwork and clinical symptoms routinely. Be wary of testosterone clinics that promise results that seem too good to be true. An experienced intimate health provider should be able to address your concerns about safety and help you understand the latest research about testosterone therapy. From there, you can make the right decision for your health.

Testosterontherapie im Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics

To meet with our intimate health providers and learn more about the latest in testosterone therapy, kontaktieren Sie unser Büro and schedule an appointment. We conveniently serve the greater Long Island and Queens, NY areas.

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