Behandlung der Penisverkrümmung ohne Operation

If you’re bothered by penile curvature, you’re not alone. Penises vary widely in shape and size, and curvature is no different. However, if curvature makes it difficult to engage in sexual activity or even causes pain, then treatment is available. When scar tissue or plaques are responsible for the curvature, it is called Peyronie-Krankheit. In severe cases, surgery is required, however, a few treatment options are available that don’t require surgery. Here is what to know about these options and how our Spezialisten für Intimgesundheit  im Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics kann helfen.


Traction therapy, although it may sound scary, is simply a process of gradually stretching the penis, softening and extending the scar tissue and fibrous plaque that causes Peyronie’s disease. It involves fitting a small device on your penis that will hold tension on it for 30-60 minutes at a time. You use it daily at home, and over a few months, it can straighten and lengthen the penile shaft. It works by translating the force into the plaque, causing the tissues to remodel. It can be especially beneficial if you’re bothered by a loss of penile length due to Peyronie’s disease.


Pulswellentherapie is an advanced technology that emits low-intensity sound waves. It’s administered through a specialized wand held against specific areas of the penis where it can break up plaque and improve blood flow. It’s one of the most effective treatment options available for Peyronie’s disease, and it comes with the extra benefit of improving blood flow and enhancing sexual performance.

PRP Therapie

PRP uses your own distilled blood to deliver a high dose of growth factors into the treatment area. PRP has many uses, but in this case, it’s called the P-Shot®. Growth factors support cellular renewal and can improve tissue regeneration, especially in the blood vessels. With a package of treatments, it can help grow new tissue and even promote better sexual functioning.

Which Option Is Right for Me?

The short answer is: all of them! Peyronie’s disease may require a multilateral treatment plan that includes all of the above, depending on how severe your curvature is. In the early stages, you may be able to intervene with only one or two options. In later stages, you may need a combination approach. PRP, pulse wave therapy, and traction therapy can all work together to help break down plaque and build healthy new tissue at the same time, resulting in better sexual functioning. Our intimate health providers can help you determine the right path forward during a consultation.

Behandlung der Peyronie-Krankheit im Tideline Center for Health & Aesthetics

To meet with our team of knowledgeable intimate health providers and learn more about your options for treating penile curvature without surgery, kontaktieren Sie unser Büro und vereinbaren Sie einen Beratungstermin. Wir bedienen bequem die Gebiete Long Island und Queens, NY.

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